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Vero Nouk



24.04.2024        Privatclub, Berlin (special guest bei                                   Antoine Villoutreix)

12.05.2024        Songcafé, Emmendingen

18.05.2024        KISS, Freiburg im Breisgau

21.06.2024        Fête de la musique, Erlangen

07.07.2024        StraKu, Winterbach

26.07.2024.       Anura's Elefant, Freiburg im Breisgau

27.07.2024        StraKu, Heilbronn

05.09.2024        Musik am Markt, Meßkirch

06.09.2024        Café Lux, Leipzig

29.11.2024        Polonica E.v Wettbewerb, Köln

12.12.2024        Junction Bar, Berlin Kreuzberg

Radio & Press

"Very nice songs. Very nicely written. Very nicely produced."

- Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Tonart Livesession: "Mon visage"

"Verronée" ist eine EP, die trotz ihrer Kürze von nur fünf Chansons in unter zwanzig Minuten eine intensive Reise von heiterem Esprit über melancholische Besinnlichkeit, bis zu

berührender Selbstoffenbarung absolviert. Den Abschluss bildet eine kaltschnäuzige Ver- beugung vor dem Regelverächter par excellence, Serge Gainsbourg.“
- BRF1

"The chansons on "Verronée" are really quite magical."

- hr2 KULTUR

“New and exciting”.

- MDR Sachsen-Anhalt







Vero sings and plays with a naturalness that you don't question. Her calm, gentle nature is reflected in her art. Nevertheless, she gets to the point very clearly and directly in her texts.


Music was just always there. A home full of instruments, her mother, with whom she sang harmonies a child, and her father's huge CD collection and his enthusiasm for them. During her school and university years, she dealt intensively with languages and sang bossanova, chanson and jazz in French, English and Portuguese. The more versatile the better, she thinks. 


Growing up in a small town in southern Germany, the singer-songwriter moved to Berlin in 2021, where she released her first songs with her specially founded women-led indie label Mosaik Records.


Vero’s music is created intuitively, authentically and always out of a specific motivation. The core of their songs are usually confused emotional states, which can be treated a little through the creation of the music.

 “Making music feels incredibly meaningful to me. If I can reach others with it, even better!”

Foto: Linda's Faces



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 © 2021 Vero Nouk

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